The Next Big Thing in Automation – Need of an efficient and sustainable products for Smart Home & Industry 4.0

A very common notion while thinking about the future is that we often imagine it to be like a sci-fi movies or tv series with advanced & futuristic technologies. The latest advances in technologies that depicts such a future is right around the corner and efficiency in the same will be the key to have better standard of living. As the society keeps growing and developing, our induction to business methodologies evolve. This prompts an ever increasing need of automation at home and in industries. Automation is not just a trend developed over the years for a fashionable streak in businesses, its prime importance is to reduce operational and maintenance costs whilst delivering peak efficiency. Above all, with every product or investment we are looking at elements that help differentiate it to be more efficient, convenient, and cost effective.

These days’ automated solutions in building and at home are no longer just a “factor” to be considered. Nowadays, it has become a key necessity and integral part of the whole system to make a “smart home” or a “commercial building” digitized in its own truest sense. Automation is of highest importance in buildings and homes considering longevity not just for personal needs but also sustenance in future. Smart Lighting Solutions, Biometrics/Access controls, CCTV Cameras, Video Doorbell, Intuitive blinds. AV systems etc. all within a monitoring system are regularly applied in smart home/building installations.

The reason why this will be a long held sustainable practice in the residential sector is because of the myriad benefits it brings along with it apart from just making one’s life easy. For example, through an automated building system, building managers can consider all relevant information through one single point of access. Maintenance tracking can similarly be tracked through an integrated system if it cannot be adhered directly. By using automation protocols interoperability can be monitored through the network, eliminating time and stress of home/ building maintenance manager. This also saves them a great deal of staying away from “prohibitive contracts” and expensive equipment needed for maintenance in the later stages.

Smart homes/ automated buildings/ automation units emit less pollution and greenhouse gas. Installation and operation costs are lower than ever before nowadays whilst providing increased value to the assets. The operational efficiency contributes in saving energy and water consumption. Apart from raising substantial savings and maintenance cost, one can realise the ROI in less time. It helps make life easy as one point monitoring system is well optimised giving greater flexibility to everyone within the network – house owners/managers/administrators/fellow occupants.

For such similar reasons, automation has gained greater popularity in the Industrial business sector and its sustainable benefits as well cannot be ignored. In the industrial business sector, the concept of sustainable and ethical business was developed in the late 80s to measure the growth and development in industrial sector and how it is impacting the global development and environment. Nowadays it has moved from being just a political measure to monitor business to a serious factor for business deliveries and innovations.

In the era of advanced IoT solutions, enterprises across various industries are in dire need of automated integration of their production and operational modules for high-quality, safety, reliability and cost efficiency. In a large production unit, communication and data gathering from far away deployed departments becomes a challenge and this is where the need for automated industrial unit arises for sustainable business performance. Various automated devices help achieve this, such as Human-Machine-Interface (HMI), RTU, Machine-to-machine (M2M) Interfaces, Control Systems and more. Larger industrial units and multiple plants and factories work on various processes and automated factories aid in operational efficiencies for such businesses which indirectly also helps them comply with safety & operational measures.

Home & Industrial Automation as industry expertise, Glide delivered futuristic products for smart homes and industries. We have worked on Hardware Development of Smart Home Products, Product Engineering for Industrial Automation Solutions and Firmware & Software Development for Automation Products. Through the company’s exclusive global partnership with premium businesses across the globe, we take promising steps towards success of our clients and pass the benefits of automation to end users.

If your Business or Startup wants to develop next-gen Automation products/solutions, connect with us.

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Glide Marketing Team

Marketing Executive

This blog was written by Glide Marketing Team member.

About Glide Technology:

Glide is an innovative embedded software & hardware solutions provider with a seamless and process-oriented approach to product design across various industries serving many countries such as, UK, US, Canada, Singapore, France, Switzerland, India and many more. Glide has been part of many client success stories while delivering innovative embedded & IoT products through next-gen technologies.
Glide is headquartered in Ahmedabad, India and have design center with fully equipped testing lab.

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